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My name is Saul Lopez Hernandez

I am an Animator, Painter and Digital Artist. 


My background is in Fine Arts and Digital Media, but I also have experience in Filmmaking and Graphic Design. I enjoy learning and developing new skills as well as gaining new and different experiences. One of the most important lessons that I have learned in my career is that you must be skilled in a variety of different fields. 


I have experience using programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Procreate to create designs and artworks.


I have not only developed skills in traditional and digital art but also in editing. I’ve had experience in video and sound editing with Adobe Premiere as well as After Effects from attending classes at the youth program, Venice Arts. 


Throughout my career, I've developed skills in time management, organization, communication and problem solving. I have also gained experience in collaborating with others through group projects such as making documentaries, creating artworks and preparing for art shows.

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